DCP and Mentor Training: The Montana Extension
by Kirk Astroth
For more than a millennium, parents have been raising children
following customs, mores, and traditions unique to their particular
culture. During the Enlightenment, Rousseau's classic Emile (1883)
raised the radical notion that there might be better ways to raise
children than by relying on traditions or customs alone. This idea has
become more pervasive in the last 100 years as psychology has grown and
Over the past couple of decades, research has increasingly focused on
how children are raised and the influence of various parenting styles
and techniques on subsequent behavior. In the parent education movement,
there have been many proponents who have developed programs, courses,
and curricula, few of which have been evaluated for effectiveness. In
fact, most commercial parenting education programs have ignored
evaluation and have relied instead on anecdotal stories to illustrate
behavior change. However, these results have been unreliable and
unrepresentative of program participants.
Clearly, parents often play one of the most influential roles in a
child's development. However, recent research on risk and protective
factors makes it clear that other significant adults in a child's life
can also exert a profound influence on a child's growth and development
(Werner, 1992). In fact, these "surrogate" parents can provide a key
stabilizing factor for a child from a turbulent home environment. Close
relationships with neighbors, coaches, mentors, 4-H club leaders,
teachers, tutors, or other adults outside the family can often provide
the strength and support that might be missing in the home. In addition,
relationships with caring adults can provide a protective factor in a
youth's life and steer him or her away from self-destructive behaviors
such as delinquency, early sexual experimentation, violence, initiation
in alcohol and other drug abuse, or other behaviors. Even the
Presidents' Summit on America's Future recognized the importance of
these surrogate parents by focusing on these relationships as one of the
Fundamental Five critical resources all youth need to survive and
thrive into adulthood.
After five years of providing intensive parenting education across
Montana, the MSU Extension Service decided in 1994 to focus on surrogate
parents as the next most important audience in the effort to improve
the quality of life in the state's communities. A task force of eight
individuals reviewed and evaluated 16 different programs that met a set
of standard criteria for inclusion in the review. Most important, of
course, was that the program be useful for adults other than parents who
impact a child's life. This review selected H. Stephen Glenn's program,
Developing Capable People, as the curriculum content for our next
programmatic initiative.
The goal of the program is to help adults, who work with children who
are not their own, increase positive behaviors when working with youth
and minimize negative behaviors. The basis of the program centers on
helping adults increase their autonomy-oriented behaviors while
decreasing the frequency of control-oriented behaviors.
Since its inception in 1994, the DCP program has been offered across
the state by a core of 23 trained county extension agents. The design of
the program is such that it is best taught one night a week for nine
weeks. County agents can also offer the course for two MSU graduate
credits. The program is low-cost (only $25 per person) and agents often
find grants or supplemental resources to ensure access to the program by
limited resource parents or others.
To date, over 1,000 Montanans have participated in the program in
about 30 counties. More than 450 of those have taken the course for
credit. Participants have been teachers, parents, school counselors, 4-H
volunteer leaders, scout troop leaders, hospital nurses, and even
border guards who were looking for a program to enhance their
interpersonal skills with the public.
From the very beginning, we planned to carry out both a formative and
a summative evaluation of the DCP program. This article reports the
results of our summative evaluation which was designed to determine our
continued supports and desseminations of the program. Like other
commercial products, DCP had no valid or reliable evaluation instrument
which measured program impact.
In June, 1994, we hired an evaluation specialist from the MSU survey
research center to develop a program-specific evaluation instrument.
After many initial versions, we finally field tested a tool with 32
specific behaviors targeted by the program. Eventually, we eliminated
three of these behaviors because respondents were confused by the
wording. A panel of family life experts reviewed the instrument for
content validity and agreed the instrument covered the material the
instrument was designed to measure. In addition, we field tested the
revised instrument again to further assess its construct validity.
Results from our research were analyzed using the Statistical Package
for Social Sciences (SPSS). Because our sample population was not a
true random sample, the results cannot be generalized to the entire
population of surrogate parents, but only applied to those who
participated in the DCP program.
Our research indicates that the DCP program is effective over time in
significantly reducing the frequency of negative behaviors and in
increasing the frequency of positive behaviors as adults work with
youth. In fact, the total mean scores for all 29 statements showed
significant differences from the pre- post- and post-post tests.
Moreover, the 21 positive behaviors showed an increased frequency of use
over time and the negative behaviors showed a decreased frequency. What
is perhaps important to emphasize is that these changes seemed to hold
over time-months after the course had ended, participants were still
using the DCP concepts and improving the ways they worked with other
Montana Extension has found that Developing Capable People is a
popular, well-received program that is adaptable for parents, surrogate
parents, teachers, counselors, and spouses. The program is effective in
helping participants reduce the frequency of negative behaviors and
increase the frequency of positive behaviors. We feel that we finally
have some valid research results to support our dissemination of this
program, and we can feel confident that the program has impact on the
participants. We continue to promote this program in the state with 4-H
leaders, teachers, camp counselors, parents, and yes, even border guards
who want to change ways they relate to others.